What if you didn’t have to feel like this again tomorrow?
What if you could there was another way?
Many of reach a point in our lives where we start to question the status quo
“Is this it?”
We get so caught up in our busy-ness, careers, kids, partners, soccer drops offs, basketball pick up, school concerts, work events, listening to Mum’s endless stories, grimacing at Dad’s jokes that aren’t funny, and on and on and on… what if you could choose your own adventure?
What if you could write the happiest ever after story for your little family?
Many of us who hear this tugging at the soul don’t know that we can change it, and have a future we truly desire
Many of us just don’t know how to start this change, to rewrite our story
Ladies, it is up to us
Up to us to make the changes we want in our world, in our family, in our lives
This is an inside job, the first step is to come home to ourselves, the real person behind the daily façade
Start with respecting, honouring and nurturing ourselves
We stand in our truth, and give permission to other women to voice their truth and needs, we witness their stories without judgement
We empower ourselves to be vulnerable, to speak up, to dream, to take up space, to play out and loud
When you hear that tugging on the soul, when you feel your heart crying out for the love and the life you deserve, take a moment for stillness, deep breath and ask your heart what she truly desires -
What does her happily ever after really look like?
(Exercise starts here) Write it down, dream big, step right into the perfect picture of your life and imagine yourself living a day …
... what do you see around?
... who is that standing with you?
... what sounds are coming to you?
... what is that aroma in the air?
… keep writing, allow all the feeling out, allow those dreams to come into full bloom, allow your heart to create a deep satisfying adventure for that day, it's time to put all of those true desires down on paper
When you have finished writing, when you can see your beautiful big dreams in front of you take another deep breath and allow your whole body to smile, really put yourself in the picture, feeling all the feels …
As you breathe into your dreams, gently ask yourself:
“What’s one little thing I can do today to get me closer to my dream?”
Not a big action plan, just one simple sweet little step onto your yellow brick road
Just one little change that will bring you closer to the life you really want, to the happily ever after your truly deserve
If you are tired of the same old sh*t in your life, worn out, empty and want to choose your own adventure, let’s chat.
Book a Discovery Call - yup, it’s free - and let's explore if you are ready for your own Coaching journey
Linda x