Empowerment is an internal state, not a gift granted to us from an external provider.
We can feel enormous pressure to be perfect, successful, to be loved by ourselves and others. It can feel like we carry an enormous weight of expectation from society, and sometimes those created expectations can get the best of us. Sometimes we don’t feel good enough, or smart enough, or capable enough to achieve the things we want in life.

You don’t have to wait around hoping someone will give you power.
You already have everything you need to unleash our power, be successful, claim our rights, and go after our goals and dreams.
I am not here to empower you, but I am here to serve, guide and support you as you step into your magnificence.
Maybe you are already empowered and need a reminder, or you are mentoring and looking for ideas to build up the next generation. Whatever the reason you are here, I’d like to share the steps I use in my coaching practice to guide my clients to become empowered women.
What does empowerment mean?
Empowerment is defined as “the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights” (Oxford Dictionary).
Personal Empowerment – becoming self-aware, finding strength and confidence, and taking control of our lives.
So this means, to empower ourselves we need to be 100% accountable and show up as our authentic powerful selves which will allow us to build the strength and confidence to take back the control of our lives and leave behind the things that no longer serve us (negative self-talk, habits, self-destructive patterns, etc), set some realistic and achievable goals, and develop a strategy to achieve them. Then take massive action.
Simples, right?!? Okay, I may have oversimplified by compressing into one sentence.
Stepping into your empowerment is just that, it’s a series of steps like a dance - the processes is not a straightforward linear process, very often life will throw us a challenge which may result in a step or two back, a jump to the left and a step to the right, but if you put your hands on your hips and you will face the challenging steps with grace and twirl right through the easy steps.
Create a vision of your future
Set a plan to achieve your goals
Strengthen your authentic you - your purpose, 100% accountability, values, what drives you
Build your inner strength, confidence and resilience
Drop your burdens
Live in gratitude
Embrace your feminine energy
Celebrate you
My work as a Women's Life Coach is to guide you through the steps, support you as you discover the treasures you already have inside you, and celebrate you as you take back the control in your life and step into the glorious person you were born to be, living the life that's right for you.
You already have everything you need to be an empowered woman, but if you need some help with the dance steps I would be honoured to serve you. Book a Discovery Call, no cost and no obligation, to see if you are ready to take the journey to transform your life and if I am the right guide for you.
(Rocky Horror Show fans: you are welcome *takes a bow*)